tornado.locale 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2009 Facebook
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.



    user_locale = tornado.locale.get("es_LA")
    print user_locale.translate("Sign out")

`tornado.locale.get()` 返回最匹配的语言环境, 不一定是你请求的特定的语言
环境. 你可以用额外的参数来支持多元化给 `~Locale.translate()`, e.g.::

    people = [...]
    message = user_locale.translate(
        "%(list)s is online", "%(list)s are online", len(people))
    print message % {"list": user_locale.list(people)}

如果 ``len(people) == 1`` 则选择第一个字符串, 否则选择第二个字符串.

应用程序应该调用 `load_translations` (它使用一个简单的CSV 格式) 或
`load_gettext_translations` (它通过使用 `gettext` 和相关工具支持
``.mo`` 格式) 其中之一.  如果没有方法被调用, `Locale.translate`

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement

import codecs
import csv
import datetime
from io import BytesIO
import numbers
import os
import re

from tornado import escape
from tornado.log import gen_log
from tornado.util import u

from tornado._locale_data import LOCALE_NAMES

_default_locale = "en_US"
_translations = {}
_supported_locales = frozenset([_default_locale])
_use_gettext = False

[文档]def get(*locale_codes): """返回给定区域代码的最近匹配. 我们按顺序遍历所有给定的区域代码. 如果我们有一个确定的或模糊的匹配 代码(e.g., "en" 匹配 "en_US"), 则我们返回该区域. 否则我们移动到列表 中的下一个代码. 默认情况下我们返回 ``en_US`` 如果没有发现任何对指定区域的翻译. 你可以改变默认区域通过 `set_default_locale()`. """ return Locale.get_closest(*locale_codes)
[文档]def set_default_locale(code): """设置默认区域. 默认语言环境被假定为用于系统中所有的字符串的语言. 从磁盘加载的翻译 是从默认的语言环境到目标区域的映射. 因此, 你不需要为默认的语言环境 创建翻译文件. """ global _default_locale global _supported_locales _default_locale = code _supported_locales = frozenset(list(_translations.keys()) + [_default_locale])
[文档]def load_translations(directory, encoding=None): """从目录中的CSV 文件加载翻译. 翻译是带有任意的Python 风格指定的占位符的字符串(e.g., ``My name is %(name)s``) 及其相关翻译. 该目录应该有以下形式的翻译文件 ``LOCALE.csv``, e.g. ``es_GT.csv``. 该CSV 文件应该有两列或三列: 字符串, 翻译, 和可选的多个指标. 复数的指标 应该是"plural" 或 "singular" 其中之一. 一个给定的字符串可以同时有单数和 复数形式. 例如 ``%(name)s liked this`` 可能有一个不同的动词组合, 这取决于 %(name)s 是一个名字还是一个名字列表. 在CSV文件里应该有两个针对于该字符串 的行, 一个用指示器指示"singular" (奇数), 一个指示"plural" (复数). 对于没有动词的字符串,将改变翻译, 简单的使用"unknown" 或空字符串 (或者不包括在所有列中的). 这个文件默认使用 `csv` 模块的"excel"进行读操作. 这种格式在逗号后面不 应该包含空格. 如果没有给定 ``encoding`` 参数, 如果该文件包含一个 byte-order marker (BOM), 编码格式将会自动检测(在UTF-8 和UTF-16 之间), 如果没有BOM将默认为UTF-8. 例如翻译 ``es_LA.csv``:: "I love you","Te amo" "%(name)s liked this","A %(name)s les gustó esto","plural" "%(name)s liked this","A %(name)s le gustó esto","singular" .. versionchanged:: 4.3 添加 ``encoding`` 参数. 添加对BOM-based 的编码检测, UTF-16, 和 UTF-8-with-BOM. """ global _translations global _supported_locales _translations = {} for path in os.listdir(directory): if not path.endswith(".csv"): continue locale, extension = path.split(".") if not re.match("[a-z]+(_[A-Z]+)?$", locale): gen_log.error("Unrecognized locale %r (path: %s)", locale, os.path.join(directory, path)) continue full_path = os.path.join(directory, path) if encoding is None: # Try to autodetect encoding based on the BOM. with open(full_path, 'rb') as f: data = if data in (codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE, codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE): encoding = 'utf-16' else: # utf-8-sig is "utf-8 with optional BOM". It's discouraged # in most cases but is common with CSV files because Excel # cannot read utf-8 files without a BOM. encoding = 'utf-8-sig' try: # python 3: csv.reader requires a file open in text mode. # Force utf8 to avoid dependence on $LANG environment variable. f = open(full_path, "r", encoding=encoding) except TypeError: # python 2: csv can only handle byte strings (in ascii-compatible # encodings), which we decode below. Transcode everything into # utf8 before passing it to csv.reader. f = BytesIO() with, "r", encoding=encoding) as infile: f.write(escape.utf8( _translations[locale] = {} for i, row in enumerate(csv.reader(f)): if not row or len(row) < 2: continue row = [escape.to_unicode(c).strip() for c in row] english, translation = row[:2] if len(row) > 2: plural = row[2] or "unknown" else: plural = "unknown" if plural not in ("plural", "singular", "unknown"): gen_log.error("Unrecognized plural indicator %r in %s line %d", plural, path, i + 1) continue _translations[locale].setdefault(plural, {})[english] = translation f.close() _supported_locales = frozenset(list(_translations.keys()) + [_default_locale]) gen_log.debug("Supported locales: %s", sorted(_supported_locales))
[文档]def load_gettext_translations(directory, domain): """从 `gettext` 的区域树加载翻译 区域树和系统的 ``/usr/share/locale`` 很类似, 例如:: {directory}/{lang}/LC_MESSAGES/{domain}.mo 让你的应用程序翻译有三步是必须的: 1. 生成POT翻译文件:: xgettext --language=Python --keyword=_:1,2 -d mydomain file2.html etc 2. 合并现有的POT文件:: msgmerge old.po mydomain.po > new.po 3. 编译:: msgfmt mydomain.po -o {directory}/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ """ import gettext global _translations global _supported_locales global _use_gettext _translations = {} for lang in os.listdir(directory): if lang.startswith('.'): continue # skip .svn, etc if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, lang)): continue try: os.stat(os.path.join(directory, lang, "LC_MESSAGES", domain + ".mo")) _translations[lang] = gettext.translation(domain, directory, languages=[lang]) except Exception as e: gen_log.error("Cannot load translation for '%s': %s", lang, str(e)) continue _supported_locales = frozenset(list(_translations.keys()) + [_default_locale]) _use_gettext = True gen_log.debug("Supported locales: %s", sorted(_supported_locales))
[文档]def get_supported_locales(): """返回所有支持的语言代码列表.""" return _supported_locales
[文档]class Locale(object): """对象代表一个区域. 在调用 `load_translations` 或 `load_gettext_translations` 之后, 调用 `get` 或 `get_closest` 以得到一个Locale对象. """ @classmethod
[文档] def get_closest(cls, *locale_codes): """返回给定区域代码的最近匹配.""" for code in locale_codes: if not code: continue code = code.replace("-", "_") parts = code.split("_") if len(parts) > 2: continue elif len(parts) == 2: code = parts[0].lower() + "_" + parts[1].upper() if code in _supported_locales: return cls.get(code) if parts[0].lower() in _supported_locales: return cls.get(parts[0].lower()) return cls.get(_default_locale)
[文档] def get(cls, code): """返回给定区域代码的Locale. 如果这个方法不支持, 我们将抛出一个异常. """ if not hasattr(cls, "_cache"): cls._cache = {} if code not in cls._cache: assert code in _supported_locales translations = _translations.get(code, None) if translations is None: locale = CSVLocale(code, {}) elif _use_gettext: locale = GettextLocale(code, translations) else: locale = CSVLocale(code, translations) cls._cache[code] = locale return cls._cache[code]
def __init__(self, code, translations): self.code = code = LOCALE_NAMES.get(code, {}).get("name", u("Unknown")) self.rtl = False for prefix in ["fa", "ar", "he"]: if self.code.startswith(prefix): self.rtl = True break self.translations = translations # Initialize strings for date formatting _ = self.translate self._months = [ _("January"), _("February"), _("March"), _("April"), _("May"), _("June"), _("July"), _("August"), _("September"), _("October"), _("November"), _("December")] self._weekdays = [ _("Monday"), _("Tuesday"), _("Wednesday"), _("Thursday"), _("Friday"), _("Saturday"), _("Sunday")]
[文档] def translate(self, message, plural_message=None, count=None): """返回给定信息在当前区域环境下的翻译. 如果给定了 ``plural_message`` , 你也必须有提供 ``count``. 当 ``count != 1`` 时, 我们返回 ``plural_message`` 并且当 ``count == 1`` 时, 我们返回给定消息的单数形式. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def pgettext(self, context, message, plural_message=None, count=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[文档] def format_date(self, date, gmt_offset=0, relative=True, shorter=False, full_format=False): """格式化给定的日期(应该是GMT时间). 默认情况下, 我们返回一个相对时间(e.g., "2 minutes ago"). 你 可以返回一个绝对日期字符串通过 ``relative=False`` 参数. 你可以强制使用一个完整的格式化日期("July 10, 1980") 通过 ``full_format=True`` 参数. 这个方法主要用于过去的日期. 对于将来的日期, 我们退回到 全格式. """ if isinstance(date, numbers.Real): date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(date) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if date > now: if relative and (date - now).seconds < 60: # Due to click skew, things are some things slightly # in the future. Round timestamps in the immediate # future down to now in relative mode. date = now else: # Otherwise, future dates always use the full format. full_format = True local_date = date - datetime.timedelta(minutes=gmt_offset) local_now = now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=gmt_offset) local_yesterday = local_now - datetime.timedelta(hours=24) difference = now - date seconds = difference.seconds days = difference.days _ = self.translate format = None if not full_format: if relative and days == 0: if seconds < 50: return _("1 second ago", "%(seconds)d seconds ago", seconds) % {"seconds": seconds} if seconds < 50 * 60: minutes = round(seconds / 60.0) return _("1 minute ago", "%(minutes)d minutes ago", minutes) % {"minutes": minutes} hours = round(seconds / (60.0 * 60)) return _("1 hour ago", "%(hours)d hours ago", hours) % {"hours": hours} if days == 0: format = _("%(time)s") elif days == 1 and == and \ relative: format = _("yesterday") if shorter else \ _("yesterday at %(time)s") elif days < 5: format = _("%(weekday)s") if shorter else \ _("%(weekday)s at %(time)s") elif days < 334: # 11mo, since confusing for same month last year format = _("%(month_name)s %(day)s") if shorter else \ _("%(month_name)s %(day)s at %(time)s") if format is None: format = _("%(month_name)s %(day)s, %(year)s") if shorter else \ _("%(month_name)s %(day)s, %(year)s at %(time)s") tfhour_clock = self.code not in ("en", "en_US", "zh_CN") if tfhour_clock: str_time = "%d:%02d" % (local_date.hour, local_date.minute) elif self.code == "zh_CN": str_time = "%s%d:%02d" % ( (u('\u4e0a\u5348'), u('\u4e0b\u5348'))[local_date.hour >= 12], local_date.hour % 12 or 12, local_date.minute) else: str_time = "%d:%02d %s" % ( local_date.hour % 12 or 12, local_date.minute, ("am", "pm")[local_date.hour >= 12]) return format % { "month_name": self._months[local_date.month - 1], "weekday": self._weekdays[local_date.weekday()], "day": str(, "year": str(local_date.year), "time": str_time }
[文档] def format_day(self, date, gmt_offset=0, dow=True): """将给定日期格式化为一周的某一天. 例如: "Monday, January 22". 你可以移除星期几通过 ``dow=False``. """ local_date = date - datetime.timedelta(minutes=gmt_offset) _ = self.translate if dow: return _("%(weekday)s, %(month_name)s %(day)s") % { "month_name": self._months[local_date.month - 1], "weekday": self._weekdays[local_date.weekday()], "day": str(, } else: return _("%(month_name)s %(day)s") % { "month_name": self._months[local_date.month - 1], "day": str(, }
[文档] def list(self, parts): """返回给定列表的一个由逗号分隔的部分. 格式是, e.g., "A, B and C", "A and B" 或者"A"当列表长度为1. """ _ = self.translate if len(parts) == 0: return "" if len(parts) == 1: return parts[0] comma = u(' \u0648 ') if self.code.startswith("fa") else u(", ") return _("%(commas)s and %(last)s") % { "commas": comma.join(parts[:-1]), "last": parts[len(parts) - 1], }
[文档] def friendly_number(self, value): """返回给定整数的一个由逗号分隔的字符串.""" if self.code not in ("en", "en_US"): return str(value) value = str(value) parts = [] while value: parts.append(value[-3:]) value = value[:-3] return ",".join(reversed(parts))
[文档]class CSVLocale(Locale): """区域设置使用tornado 的CSV翻译格式.""" def translate(self, message, plural_message=None, count=None): if plural_message is not None: assert count is not None if count != 1: message = plural_message message_dict = self.translations.get("plural", {}) else: message_dict = self.translations.get("singular", {}) else: message_dict = self.translations.get("unknown", {}) return message_dict.get(message, message) def pgettext(self, context, message, plural_message=None, count=None): if self.translations: gen_log.warning('pgettext is not supported by CSVLocale') return self.translate(message, plural_message, count)
[文档]class GettextLocale(Locale): """使用 `gettext` 模块实现Locale.""" def __init__(self, code, translations): try: # python 2 self.ngettext = translations.ungettext self.gettext = translations.ugettext except AttributeError: # python 3 self.ngettext = translations.ngettext self.gettext = translations.gettext # self.gettext must exist before __init__ is called, since it # calls into self.translate super(GettextLocale, self).__init__(code, translations) def translate(self, message, plural_message=None, count=None): if plural_message is not None: assert count is not None return self.ngettext(message, plural_message, count) else: return self.gettext(message)
[文档] def pgettext(self, context, message, plural_message=None, count=None): """允许为翻译设置上下文, 接受复数形式. 使用示例:: pgettext("law", "right") pgettext("good", "right") 复数信息示例:: pgettext("organization", "club", "clubs", len(clubs)) pgettext("stick", "club", "clubs", len(clubs)) 为了使用上下文生成POT文件, 给第1步添加下面的选项到 `load_gettext_translations` 序列:: xgettext [basic options] --keyword=pgettext:1c,2 --keyword=pgettext:1c,2,3 .. versionadded:: 4.2 """ if plural_message is not None: assert count is not None msgs_with_ctxt = ("%s%s%s" % (context, CONTEXT_SEPARATOR, message), "%s%s%s" % (context, CONTEXT_SEPARATOR, plural_message), count) result = self.ngettext(*msgs_with_ctxt) if CONTEXT_SEPARATOR in result: # Translation not found result = self.ngettext(message, plural_message, count) return result else: msg_with_ctxt = "%s%s%s" % (context, CONTEXT_SEPARATOR, message) result = self.gettext(msg_with_ctxt) if CONTEXT_SEPARATOR in result: # Translation not found result = message return result