tornado.template 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright 2009 Facebook
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

"""一个简单的模板系统, 将模板编译成Python代码.


    t = template.Template("<html>{{ myvalue }}</html>")
    print t.generate(myvalue="XXX")

`Loader` 是一个从根目录加载模板并缓存编译过的模板的类::

    loader = template.Loader("/home/btaylor")
    print loader.load("test.html").generate(myvalue="XXX")

我们编译所有模板至原生的Python. 错误报告是目前... uh,
很有趣. 模板语法如下::

    ### base.html
        <title>{% block title %}Default title{% end %}</title>
          {% for student in students %}
            {% block student %}
              <li>{{ escape( }}</li>
            {% end %}
          {% end %}

    ### bold.html
    {% extends "base.html" %}

    {% block title %}A bolder title{% end %}

    {% block student %}
      <li><span style="bold">{{ escape( }}</span></li>
    {% end %}

与大多数其他模板系统不同, 我们没有在你的语句中可包含的表达式上放置任何约束.
``if`` 和 ``for`` 语句块完全翻译成了Python, 所以你可以写复杂的表达式例如::

   {% for student in [p for p in people if p.student and p.age > 23] %}
     <li>{{ escape( }}</li>
   {% end %}

直接翻译成Python意味着你可以很简单的在表达式中使用函数, 就像在上面例子中的
``escape()`` 函数. 你可以把函数传递到你的模板中就像其他任何变量一样(在一个
`.RequestHandler` 中, 复写 `.RequestHandler.get_template_namespace`)::

   ### Python code
   def add(x, y):
      return x + y

   ### The template
   {{ add(1, 2) }}

默认情况下我们提供了 `escape() <.xhtml_escape>`, `.url_escape()`,
`.json_encode()`, 和 `.squeeze()` 函数给所有模板.

典型的应用程序不会手动创建 `Template` 或 `Loader` 实例, 而是使用
`tornado.web.RequestHandler` 中的 `~.RequestHandler.render` 和
`~.RequestHandler.render_string` 方法, 这些方法自动的基于
``template_path`` `.Application` 设置加载模板.

以 ``_tt_`` 为前缀命名的变量是模板系统保留的, 不应该被应用程序的


模板表达式被双花括号包围: ``{{ ... }}``. 内容可以是任何python表达式,
会根据当前自动转义(autoescape)设置被转义并且插入到输出. 其他模板指令
使用 ``{% %}``. 这些标签可以被转义作为 ``{{!`` 和 ``{%!`` 如果你需要
在输出中包含一个原义的 ``{{`` 或 ``{%`` .

为了注释掉一段让它从输出中省略, 使用 ``{# ... #}`` 包住它.

``{% apply *function* %}...{% end %}``
    在 ``apply`` 和 ``end`` 之间应用一个函数到所有模板代码的输出::

        {% apply linkify %}{{name}} said: {{message}}{% end %}

    注意作为一个实现细节使用块会执行嵌套函数, 因此可能产生奇怪的
    相互作用, 包括通过 ``{% set %}`` 设置的变量, 或者在循环中使用
    ``{% break %}`` 或 ``{% continue %}`` .

``{% autoescape *function* %}``
    为当前文件设置自动转义(autoescape)模式. 这不会影响其他文件, 即使
    是那些通过 ``{% include %}`` 引用的文件. 注意自动转义也可以全局
    设置, 在 `.Application` 或 `Loader` 中.::

        {% autoescape xhtml_escape %}
        {% autoescape None %}

``{% block *name* %}...{% end %}``
    标明了一个已命名的, 可以使用 ``{% extends %}`` 被替换的块.

        <!-- base.html -->
        <title>{% block title %}Default title{% end %}</title>

        <!-- mypage.html -->
        {% extends "base.html" %}
        {% block title %}My page title{% end %}

``{% comment ... %}``
    一个将会从模板的输出中移除的注释. 注意这里没有 ``{% end %}`` 标签;
    该注释从 ``comment`` 这个词开始到 ``%}`` 标签关闭.

``{% extends *filename* %}``
    从另一个模板继承. 使用 ``extends`` 的模板应该包含一个或多个
    ``block`` 标签以替换父模板中的内容. 子模板内任何不包含在一个
    ``block`` 标签中的内容都将被忽略. 例如, 参见 ``{% block %}`` 标签.

``{% for *var* in *expr* %}...{% end %}``
    和python的 ``for`` 语句一样.  ``{% break %}`` 和
    ``{% continue %}`` 可以用在循环里.

``{% from *x* import *y* %}``
    和python的 ``import`` 语句一样.

``{% if *condition* %}...{% elif *condition* %}...{% else %}...{% end %}``
    条件语句 - 输出第一个条件为true 的部分.  ( ``elif`` 和 ``else`` 部分是

``{% import *module* %}``
    和python的 ``import`` 语句一样.

``{% include *filename* %}``
    包含另一个模板文件. 被包含的文件可以看到所有局部变量就像它被直接
    复制到了该 ``include`` 指令的位置( ``{% autoescape %}`` 指令是一
    个异常). 替代的, ``{% module Template(filename, **kwargs) %}``

``{% module *expr* %}``
    渲染一个 `~tornado.web.UIModule`. 该 ``UIModule`` 的输出没有

        {% module Template("foo.html", arg=42) %}

    ``UIModules`` 是 `tornado.web.RequestHandler` 类(尤其是它的
    ``render`` 方法)的一个方法, 并且当模板系统在其他上下文中使用
    时, 它将不工作.

``{% raw *expr* %}``

``{% set *x* = *y* %}``

``{% try %}...{% except %}...{% else %}...{% finally %}...{% end %}``
    和python的 ``try`` 语句一样.

``{% while *condition* %}... {% end %}``
    和python的 ``while`` 语句一样. ``{% break %}`` 和
    ``{% continue %}`` 可以用在循环里.

``{% whitespace *mode* %}``
    为当前文件的剩余部分设置空白模式(whitespace mode)
    (或直到下一个 ``{% whitespace %}`` 指令). 参见
    `filter_whitespace` 查看可用参数. Tornado 4.3中新增.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement

import datetime
import linecache
import os.path
import posixpath
import re
import threading

from tornado import escape
from tornado.log import app_log
from tornado.util import ObjectDict, exec_in, unicode_type

    from cStringIO import StringIO  # py2
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO  # py3

_DEFAULT_AUTOESCAPE = "xhtml_escape"
_UNSET = object()

[文档]def filter_whitespace(mode, text): """根据 ``mode`` 转换空白到 ``text`` . 可用的模式有: * ``all``: 返回所有未更改的空白. * ``single``: 压缩连串的空白用一个空白字符代替, 保留换行符. * ``oneline``: 压缩所有空白到一个空格字符, 在这个过程中移除所有换行符. .. versionadded:: 4.3 """ if mode == 'all': return text elif mode == 'single': text = re.sub(r"([\t ]+)", " ", text) text = re.sub(r"(\s*\n\s*)", "\n", text) return text elif mode == 'oneline': return re.sub(r"(\s+)", " ", text) else: raise Exception("invalid whitespace mode %s" % mode)
[文档]class Template(object): """编译模板. 我们从给定的template_string编译到Python. 你可以使用generate() 用变量生成模板. """ # note that the constructor's signature is not extracted with # autodoc because _UNSET looks like garbage. When changing # this signature update website/sphinx/template.rst too. def __init__(self, template_string, name="<string>", loader=None, compress_whitespace=_UNSET, autoescape=_UNSET, whitespace=None): """构造一个模板. :arg str template_string: 模板文件的内容. :arg str name: 被加载的模板文件名(用于错误信息). :arg tornado.template.BaseLoader loader: `~tornado.template.BaseLoader` 负责该模板, 用于解决 ``{% include %}`` 和 ``{% extend %}`` 指令. :arg bool compress_whitespace: 自从Tornado 4.3过时了. 如果为true, 相当于 ``whitespace="single"`` , 如果为false, 相当于 ``whitespace="all"`` . :arg str autoescape: 在模板命名空间中的函数名, 默认情况下为 ``None`` 以禁用转义. :arg str whitespace: 一个指定处理whitespace 的字符串; 参见 `filter_whitespace` 了解可选项. .. versionchanged:: 4.3 增加 ``whitespace`` 参数; 弃用 ``compress_whitespace``. """ = escape.native_str(name) if compress_whitespace is not _UNSET: # Convert deprecated compress_whitespace (bool) to whitespace (str). if whitespace is not None: raise Exception("cannot set both whitespace and compress_whitespace") whitespace = "single" if compress_whitespace else "all" if whitespace is None: if loader and loader.whitespace: whitespace = loader.whitespace else: # Whitespace defaults by filename. if name.endswith(".html") or name.endswith(".js"): whitespace = "single" else: whitespace = "all" # Validate the whitespace setting. filter_whitespace(whitespace, '') if autoescape is not _UNSET: self.autoescape = autoescape elif loader: self.autoescape = loader.autoescape else: self.autoescape = _DEFAULT_AUTOESCAPE self.namespace = loader.namespace if loader else {} reader = _TemplateReader(name, escape.native_str(template_string), whitespace) self.file = _File(self, _parse(reader, self)) self.code = self._generate_python(loader) self.loader = loader try: # Under python2.5, the fake filename used here must match # the module name used in __name__ below. # The dont_inherit flag prevents's future imports # from being applied to the generated code. self.compiled = compile( escape.to_unicode(self.code), "" %'.', '_'), "exec", dont_inherit=True) except Exception: formatted_code = _format_code(self.code).rstrip() app_log.error("%s code:\n%s",, formatted_code) raise
[文档] def generate(self, **kwargs): """用给定参数生成此模板.""" namespace = { "escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "xhtml_escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "url_escape": escape.url_escape, "json_encode": escape.json_encode, "squeeze": escape.squeeze, "linkify": escape.linkify, "datetime": datetime, "_tt_utf8": escape.utf8, # for internal use "_tt_string_types": (unicode_type, bytes), # __name__ and __loader__ allow the traceback mechanism to find # the generated source code. "__name__":'.', '_'), "__loader__": ObjectDict(get_source=lambda name: self.code), } namespace.update(self.namespace) namespace.update(kwargs) exec_in(self.compiled, namespace) execute = namespace["_tt_execute"] # Clear the traceback module's cache of source data now that # we've generated a new template (mainly for this module's # unittests, where different tests reuse the same name). linecache.clearcache() return execute()
def _generate_python(self, loader): buffer = StringIO() try: # named_blocks maps from names to _NamedBlock objects named_blocks = {} ancestors = self._get_ancestors(loader) ancestors.reverse() for ancestor in ancestors: ancestor.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks) writer = _CodeWriter(buffer, named_blocks, loader, ancestors[0].template) ancestors[0].generate(writer) return buffer.getvalue() finally: buffer.close() def _get_ancestors(self, loader): ancestors = [self.file] for chunk in self.file.body.chunks: if isinstance(chunk, _ExtendsBlock): if not loader: raise ParseError("{% extends %} block found, but no " "template loader") template = loader.load(, ancestors.extend(template._get_ancestors(loader)) return ancestors
[文档]class BaseLoader(object): """模板加载器的基类. 你必须使用一个模板加载器来使用模板的构造器例如 ``{% extends %}`` 和 ``{% include %}``. 加载器在所有模板首次加载之后进行缓存. """ def __init__(self, autoescape=_DEFAULT_AUTOESCAPE, namespace=None, whitespace=None): """构造一个模板加载器. :arg str autoescape: 在模板命名空间中的函数名, 例如 "xhtml_escape", 或默认情况下为 ``None`` 来禁用自动转义. :arg dict namespace: 一个被加入默认模板命名空间中的字典或 ``None``. :arg str whitespace: 一个指定模板中whitespace默认行为的字符串; 参见 `filter_whitespace` 查看可选项. 默认是 "single" 对于 ".html" 和 ".js" 文件的结束, "all" 是为了其他文件. .. versionchanged:: 4.3 添加 ``whitespace`` 参数. """ self.autoescape = autoescape self.namespace = namespace or {} self.whitespace = whitespace self.templates = {} # self.lock protects self.templates. It's a reentrant lock # because templates may load other templates via `include` or # `extends`. Note that thanks to the GIL this code would be safe # even without the lock, but could lead to wasted work as multiple # threads tried to compile the same template simultaneously. self.lock = threading.RLock()
[文档] def reset(self): """重置已编译模板的缓存.""" with self.lock: self.templates = {}
[文档] def resolve_path(self, name, parent_path=None): """转化一个可能相对的路径为绝对路径(内部使用).""" raise NotImplementedError()
[文档] def load(self, name, parent_path=None): """加载一个模板.""" name = self.resolve_path(name, parent_path=parent_path) with self.lock: if name not in self.templates: self.templates[name] = self._create_template(name) return self.templates[name]
def _create_template(self, name): raise NotImplementedError()
[文档]class Loader(BaseLoader): """一个从单一根文件夹加载的模板加载器. """ def __init__(self, root_directory, **kwargs): super(Loader, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.root = os.path.abspath(root_directory) def resolve_path(self, name, parent_path=None): if parent_path and not parent_path.startswith("<") and \ not parent_path.startswith("/") and \ not name.startswith("/"): current_path = os.path.join(self.root, parent_path) file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(current_path)) relative_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(file_dir, name)) if relative_path.startswith(self.root): name = relative_path[len(self.root) + 1:] return name def _create_template(self, name): path = os.path.join(self.root, name) with open(path, "rb") as f: template = Template(, name=name, loader=self) return template
[文档]class DictLoader(BaseLoader): """一个从字典加载的模板加载器.""" def __init__(self, dict, **kwargs): super(DictLoader, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dict = dict def resolve_path(self, name, parent_path=None): if parent_path and not parent_path.startswith("<") and \ not parent_path.startswith("/") and \ not name.startswith("/"): file_dir = posixpath.dirname(parent_path) name = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(file_dir, name)) return name def _create_template(self, name): return Template(self.dict[name], name=name, loader=self)
class _Node(object): def each_child(self): return () def generate(self, writer): raise NotImplementedError() def find_named_blocks(self, loader, named_blocks): for child in self.each_child(): child.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks) class _File(_Node): def __init__(self, template, body): self.template = template self.body = body self.line = 0 def generate(self, writer): writer.write_line("def _tt_execute():", self.line) with writer.indent(): writer.write_line("_tt_buffer = []", self.line) writer.write_line("_tt_append = _tt_buffer.append", self.line) self.body.generate(writer) writer.write_line("return _tt_utf8('').join(_tt_buffer)", self.line) def each_child(self): return (self.body,) class _ChunkList(_Node): def __init__(self, chunks): self.chunks = chunks def generate(self, writer): for chunk in self.chunks: chunk.generate(writer) def each_child(self): return self.chunks class _NamedBlock(_Node): def __init__(self, name, body, template, line): = name self.body = body self.template = template self.line = line def each_child(self): return (self.body,) def generate(self, writer): block = writer.named_blocks[] with writer.include(block.template, self.line): block.body.generate(writer) def find_named_blocks(self, loader, named_blocks): named_blocks[] = self _Node.find_named_blocks(self, loader, named_blocks) class _ExtendsBlock(_Node): def __init__(self, name): = name class _IncludeBlock(_Node): def __init__(self, name, reader, line): = name self.template_name = self.line = line def find_named_blocks(self, loader, named_blocks): included = loader.load(, self.template_name) included.file.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks) def generate(self, writer): included = writer.loader.load(, self.template_name) with writer.include(included, self.line): included.file.body.generate(writer) class _ApplyBlock(_Node): def __init__(self, method, line, body=None): self.method = method self.line = line self.body = body def each_child(self): return (self.body,) def generate(self, writer): method_name = "_tt_apply%d" % writer.apply_counter writer.apply_counter += 1 writer.write_line("def %s():" % method_name, self.line) with writer.indent(): writer.write_line("_tt_buffer = []", self.line) writer.write_line("_tt_append = _tt_buffer.append", self.line) self.body.generate(writer) writer.write_line("return _tt_utf8('').join(_tt_buffer)", self.line) writer.write_line("_tt_append(_tt_utf8(%s(%s())))" % ( self.method, method_name), self.line) class _ControlBlock(_Node): def __init__(self, statement, line, body=None): self.statement = statement self.line = line self.body = body def each_child(self): return (self.body,) def generate(self, writer): writer.write_line("%s:" % self.statement, self.line) with writer.indent(): self.body.generate(writer) # Just in case the body was empty writer.write_line("pass", self.line) class _IntermediateControlBlock(_Node): def __init__(self, statement, line): self.statement = statement self.line = line def generate(self, writer): # In case the previous block was empty writer.write_line("pass", self.line) writer.write_line("%s:" % self.statement, self.line, writer.indent_size() - 1) class _Statement(_Node): def __init__(self, statement, line): self.statement = statement self.line = line def generate(self, writer): writer.write_line(self.statement, self.line) class _Expression(_Node): def __init__(self, expression, line, raw=False): self.expression = expression self.line = line self.raw = raw def generate(self, writer): writer.write_line("_tt_tmp = %s" % self.expression, self.line) writer.write_line("if isinstance(_tt_tmp, _tt_string_types):" " _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(_tt_tmp)", self.line) writer.write_line("else: _tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(str(_tt_tmp))", self.line) if not self.raw and writer.current_template.autoescape is not None: # In python3 functions like xhtml_escape return unicode, # so we have to convert to utf8 again. writer.write_line("_tt_tmp = _tt_utf8(%s(_tt_tmp))" % writer.current_template.autoescape, self.line) writer.write_line("_tt_append(_tt_tmp)", self.line) class _Module(_Expression): def __init__(self, expression, line): super(_Module, self).__init__("_tt_modules." + expression, line, raw=True) class _Text(_Node): def __init__(self, value, line, whitespace): self.value = value self.line = line self.whitespace = whitespace def generate(self, writer): value = self.value # Compress whitespace if requested, with a crude heuristic to avoid # altering preformatted whitespace. if "<pre>" not in value: value = filter_whitespace(self.whitespace, value) if value: writer.write_line('_tt_append(%r)' % escape.utf8(value), self.line)
[文档]class ParseError(Exception): """抛出模板的语法错误. ``ParseError`` 实例有 ``filename`` 和 ``lineno`` 属性指出错误所在位置. .. versionchanged:: 4.3 添加 ``filename`` 和 ``lineno`` 属性. """ def __init__(self, message, filename, lineno): self.message = message # The names "filename" and "lineno" are chosen for consistency # with python SyntaxError. self.filename = filename self.lineno = lineno def __str__(self): return '%s at %s:%d' % (self.message, self.filename, self.lineno)
class _CodeWriter(object): def __init__(self, file, named_blocks, loader, current_template): self.file = file self.named_blocks = named_blocks self.loader = loader self.current_template = current_template self.apply_counter = 0 self.include_stack = [] self._indent = 0 def indent_size(self): return self._indent def indent(self): class Indenter(object): def __enter__(_): self._indent += 1 return self def __exit__(_, *args): assert self._indent > 0 self._indent -= 1 return Indenter() def include(self, template, line): self.include_stack.append((self.current_template, line)) self.current_template = template class IncludeTemplate(object): def __enter__(_): return self def __exit__(_, *args): self.current_template = self.include_stack.pop()[0] return IncludeTemplate() def write_line(self, line, line_number, indent=None): if indent is None: indent = self._indent line_comment = ' # %s:%d' % (, line_number) if self.include_stack: ancestors = ["%s:%d" % (, lineno) for (tmpl, lineno) in self.include_stack] line_comment += ' (via %s)' % ', '.join(reversed(ancestors)) print(" " * indent + line + line_comment, file=self.file) class _TemplateReader(object): def __init__(self, name, text, whitespace): = name self.text = text self.whitespace = whitespace self.line = 1 self.pos = 0 def find(self, needle, start=0, end=None): assert start >= 0, start pos = self.pos start += pos if end is None: index = self.text.find(needle, start) else: end += pos assert end >= start index = self.text.find(needle, start, end) if index != -1: index -= pos return index def consume(self, count=None): if count is None: count = len(self.text) - self.pos newpos = self.pos + count self.line += self.text.count("\n", self.pos, newpos) s = self.text[self.pos:newpos] self.pos = newpos return s def remaining(self): return len(self.text) - self.pos def __len__(self): return self.remaining() def __getitem__(self, key): if type(key) is slice: size = len(self) start, stop, step = key.indices(size) if start is None: start = self.pos else: start += self.pos if stop is not None: stop += self.pos return self.text[slice(start, stop, step)] elif key < 0: return self.text[key] else: return self.text[self.pos + key] def __str__(self): return self.text[self.pos:] def raise_parse_error(self, msg): raise ParseError(msg,, self.line) def _format_code(code): lines = code.splitlines() format = "%%%dd %%s\n" % len(repr(len(lines) + 1)) return "".join([format % (i + 1, line) for (i, line) in enumerate(lines)]) def _parse(reader, template, in_block=None, in_loop=None): body = _ChunkList([]) while True: # Find next template directive curly = 0 while True: curly = reader.find("{", curly) if curly == -1 or curly + 1 == reader.remaining(): # EOF if in_block: reader.raise_parse_error( "Missing {%% end %%} block for %s" % in_block) body.chunks.append(_Text(reader.consume(), reader.line, reader.whitespace)) return body # If the first curly brace is not the start of a special token, # start searching from the character after it if reader[curly + 1] not in ("{", "%", "#"): curly += 1 continue # When there are more than 2 curlies in a row, use the # innermost ones. This is useful when generating languages # like latex where curlies are also meaningful if (curly + 2 < reader.remaining() and reader[curly + 1] == '{' and reader[curly + 2] == '{'): curly += 1 continue break # Append any text before the special token if curly > 0: cons = reader.consume(curly) body.chunks.append(_Text(cons, reader.line, reader.whitespace)) start_brace = reader.consume(2) line = reader.line # Template directives may be escaped as "{{!" or "{%!". # In this case output the braces and consume the "!". # This is especially useful in conjunction with jquery templates, # which also use double braces. if reader.remaining() and reader[0] == "!": reader.consume(1) body.chunks.append(_Text(start_brace, line, reader.whitespace)) continue # Comment if start_brace == "{#": end = reader.find("#}") if end == -1: reader.raise_parse_error("Missing end comment #}") contents = reader.consume(end).strip() reader.consume(2) continue # Expression if start_brace == "{{": end = reader.find("}}") if end == -1: reader.raise_parse_error("Missing end expression }}") contents = reader.consume(end).strip() reader.consume(2) if not contents: reader.raise_parse_error("Empty expression") body.chunks.append(_Expression(contents, line)) continue # Block assert start_brace == "{%", start_brace end = reader.find("%}") if end == -1: reader.raise_parse_error("Missing end block %}") contents = reader.consume(end).strip() reader.consume(2) if not contents: reader.raise_parse_error("Empty block tag ({% %})") operator, space, suffix = contents.partition(" ") suffix = suffix.strip() # Intermediate ("else", "elif", etc) blocks intermediate_blocks = { "else": set(["if", "for", "while", "try"]), "elif": set(["if"]), "except": set(["try"]), "finally": set(["try"]), } allowed_parents = intermediate_blocks.get(operator) if allowed_parents is not None: if not in_block: reader.raise_parse_error("%s outside %s block" % (operator, allowed_parents)) if in_block not in allowed_parents: reader.raise_parse_error( "%s block cannot be attached to %s block" % (operator, in_block)) body.chunks.append(_IntermediateControlBlock(contents, line)) continue # End tag elif operator == "end": if not in_block: reader.raise_parse_error("Extra {% end %} block") return body elif operator in ("extends", "include", "set", "import", "from", "comment", "autoescape", "whitespace", "raw", "module"): if operator == "comment": continue if operator == "extends": suffix = suffix.strip('"').strip("'") if not suffix: reader.raise_parse_error("extends missing file path") block = _ExtendsBlock(suffix) elif operator in ("import", "from"): if not suffix: reader.raise_parse_error("import missing statement") block = _Statement(contents, line) elif operator == "include": suffix = suffix.strip('"').strip("'") if not suffix: reader.raise_parse_error("include missing file path") block = _IncludeBlock(suffix, reader, line) elif operator == "set": if not suffix: reader.raise_parse_error("set missing statement") block = _Statement(suffix, line) elif operator == "autoescape": fn = suffix.strip() if fn == "None": fn = None template.autoescape = fn continue elif operator == "whitespace": mode = suffix.strip() # Validate the selected mode filter_whitespace(mode, '') reader.whitespace = mode continue elif operator == "raw": block = _Expression(suffix, line, raw=True) elif operator == "module": block = _Module(suffix, line) body.chunks.append(block) continue elif operator in ("apply", "block", "try", "if", "for", "while"): # parse inner body recursively if operator in ("for", "while"): block_body = _parse(reader, template, operator, operator) elif operator == "apply": # apply creates a nested function so syntactically it's not # in the loop. block_body = _parse(reader, template, operator, None) else: block_body = _parse(reader, template, operator, in_loop) if operator == "apply": if not suffix: reader.raise_parse_error("apply missing method name") block = _ApplyBlock(suffix, line, block_body) elif operator == "block": if not suffix: reader.raise_parse_error("block missing name") block = _NamedBlock(suffix, block_body, template, line) else: block = _ControlBlock(contents, line, block_body) body.chunks.append(block) continue elif operator in ("break", "continue"): if not in_loop: reader.raise_parse_error("%s outside %s block" % (operator, set(["for", "while"]))) body.chunks.append(_Statement(contents, line)) continue else: reader.raise_parse_error("unknown operator: %r" % operator)